
This blog was born from the desire to give it back some of what I have been receiving these years with Internet and Technology.

New friends, new knowledge, new experiences…

Nowadays every time I want to know something, every time I want to find or experience something new, the first thing I probably do? Google Search…

New recipe? Just Google.
Best books to read about a subject? Google.
What movie, what person, what culture, what place, what product?… It seems all is on the Internet.
I’m not saying we can accept everything that Google offer us 😛 but I’m sure that most of the times we get a good place/idea to start.

So I hope I can give my contribution and share something that may help others seek their answers or directions faster and easier.

This will be just my personal view and experience, it can be related to books, gadgets, courses, movies or it can be just some random thoughts I had and will use this site to save them 😛


Anyway, feel free to participate, contribute and share, I’ve always loved to learn and we are constantly learning in our life, so we all are 4everStudent, welcome, and thank you for stopping by 🙂